Wednesday, 19 November 2014

"I painted your face on my nails..." or how I managed to be socially awkward in front of a real life celebrity...


So a week or so ago I got an email from Sarah Millican, well...from her mailing list, unfortunately we aren't bezzie mates or anything, saying that she was doing a DVD signing in Newcastle. I love Sarah Millican, she seems like such an utter babe, so I texted my trusty sidekick, Paul, and we made plans to go!

As I am an actual psychopath, I decided that the only normal thing that could be done under these circumstances was to do Sarah Millican themed nail art...including a cartoon face on my thumb nail...
(please ignore my incredibly messy hands, I should learn not to use my own palms as an easel...)

We got to Newcastle at about 2:00pm, heading straight to HMV, where the signing was taking place, to pick up a copy of the DVD, even though the signing didn't start until 5:00 there were already some die-hard fans there waiting.
We spent a little while wandering around Newcastle, ate a massive pizza, then headed back to the store to see the vision of loveliness herself.

She was such an utter sweetheart, I always worry when meeting famous people that they won't live up to the idea of them I have in my head & I will go away heartbroken... But that was definitely not the case!

The first thing she did was compliment my teeshirt (if you can't read it it says "LIFE IS SHORT, EAT DESSERT FIRST) and she did an admirable job in not freaking out when I told her I had painted her face on my nails! What an utter corker!

We headed back to Paul's house after the signing and watched the DVD we had just purchased, which was hilarious. Personal favourite joke; "I'm not a massive ballet dancer...but if I was, I would be a massive ballet dancer", I was completely creased the whole way through!

All in all a cracking day out, and I even dragged Paul all the way around Newcastle's massive Primark, my next post will hopefully be a (very) mini haul of things I got there.

Much love!


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